Gary is the owner/operator of OPEN MYND COLLECTIBLES, a business that deals with but not limited to the collecting and selling of airchecks (radio broadcasts). OMC was established in 1992 and has grown from under a hundred titles to a couple thousand presently! Gary has been referenced in several books, CD liner notes, documentaries etc. for his opinion and experience with radio broadcasts of the 50’s and 60’s!
He has been collecting and archiving airchecks since the mid-1970’s! He is also a collector of Garage Band records, tapes, CD’s, DVD’s etc. With a collection of close to 65,000 albums and 15,000 CD’s it’s a wonder he has time to even listen to and archive his aircheck collection, which is about 2500 and growing daily!
“Originally from Massachusetts, I moved to California when I was 15 in June 1967……just as the Summer Of Love was happening! Radio had a huge impact on me back then…..there was the a.m. powerhouse in L.A., KHJ, followed by KRLA and KFWB! Underground FM was just coming into existence around that time also! It was the ultimate trip to be around to hear those amazing sounds on a transistor radio! The music of 1964 to 1969 has been a major influence on my life ever since!” · Philosophy of my radio show: Presenting some of the best and most unique radio broadcasts from the past · LuxuriaMusic listeners will hear on my show: Unlimited, from Folk/Rock to R&B to Psychedelic to POP, artists from 1955 to present day! · To derive maximum pleasure from my radio show: Close your eyes, sit back, put your feet up and let your mynd float back to the glory days of AM BOSS Radio and Underground FM broadcasts! ·
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